A blog on cooking, crafting, canning, creating, & homesteading with bits of opinion & lots of laughter.
Wednesday, May 30, 2012
3 Ingredient Hearty Potato Soup
Upon trying to make a low-cal or low-salt version of my fabulous Potato Soup, there's one thing I have found... that it is pretty much impossible. Potato soup is just one of those [meals] that was just meant to be hearty. It was meant to carry my Irish (and Scottish) ancestors through war and famine.
Friends, my soup is no different. Especially if you use canned anything. Of course, you can always boil your own chicken bones and make your own broth, that way you control the salt. (I have been known to do this, but currently am out of chicken bones! I mean, I checked my freezer for bagged chicken skeletons, and alas! there were none...)
Thursday, May 24, 2012
Sweet Pepper Salsa
I usually like my salsa a tad on the sweet side. This turned out beautifully, but I do think a tad too sweet. Oh, not sugary-sweet. No, in this instance it came out pepper-sweet. Which is great- but I was in the mood for something a bit more tangy than sweet. Of course, you can always reduce the sweet red pepper to half and add in green chilies. That would be awesome! For now- here is an awesome Sweet Red Pepper Salsa-
Tuesday, May 1, 2012
Blue Cheese Skinny Chicken Salad
Grau and I have been on a health kick lately. Watching what we eat and trying to exercise more. It is working, believe it or not! Who knew? I mean, really, eating less calories combined with exercise helps you lose weight? Wow!
Okay- so yeah, I'm joking. But, for me, watching what I eat means actually EATING. When at home, I tend to not eat much. I can go the whole day on a few strawberries and a couple cups of coffee. And no, I don't have low energy. I am naturally a high energy person. I always have been. I tend to eat very little when at home, and eat to excess when out at a restaurant. I *love* bad, bad, tasty food!
Creamy Yummy Goodness! |