I ran across this recipe on Pinterest the other day for Strawberry Popcorn. Now, me loving strawberry, I had to check it out. The pin led me to this woman's blog, where she says she didn't make up the recipe but got it off of the condensed milk people's website.
And I thought to myself I said 'self ('cause that's what I say when I talk to myself, I call myself self...)....I can do that.
And I thought to myself....Self, I can make flavor combos, too!
Lo and behold, a couple weeks ago I made Orange popcorn. The boys loved it, Grau took it to work and I didn't see a bit of it. That'll teach me, huh? I should eat more of what I cook. Or at least stash some of it away, in secret, in hiding, so I can bring it out and be all like, 'Ta-Da! Look what I have! and it's MINE! All MINE! I say!'